About Me

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For worshippers of Kings and admirers of his wisdom - For lovers of queens and upholders of her kingdom - For lovers of keepers of time and wasters of none of it - For the princesses who seek a knight who seeks other knights to vanquish and keep her warm all night - Hope this blog nourishes your sight; hope it brings your heart such unequivocal delights.

Friday 27 August 2010

Love was you

You were what I always dreamt of!

Somehow you came to me

And like a child

I came pure, innocent and young.

Like a man,

You came with your sweet big heart.

Still think about those nights:

You and shy me;

Me and silly you.

You made me laugh

I made you cry!

Gave me love

More than I saw

In my sleep.

Love became all we had -

All we wanted

We did not know where to put it,

Ran out of space

And lost the difference

Between good and bad.

What was so strong

Became paper thin

And blew away with the wind.

 Still, after all these years,

Through distance and time;

Flings and lovers,

This bed

Still feels lonely without you.

 Find it so hard to believe myself,

How you got me in every single inch.

No one has come that far

And I am so proud of you

You and your sweet mesmerize!


By Ima Boma-Granville

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Get out!

I get out.

I’ll get out of all your boxes

I’ll get out; you can’t hold me in these chains

I’ll get out; father free me from this bondage

Knowing my condition is the reason I must change.

Your stinking resolution

Is no type of solution

Preventing me from freedom

Maintaining your pollution

I won’t support your lie no more

I won’t even try no more

If I have to die oh lord

That’s how choose to live

I won’t be compromised no more

I can’t be victimized no more

I just don’t sympathize no more

‘Cos now I understand

You just wonna use me

You say ‘love’ and abuse me

You never thought you’d lose me

But how quickly we forget

That nothing is for certain

You thought I’d stay here hurting

Your guilt trip’s just not working

Repressing me to death

‘Cos now I’m choosing life

I take the sacrifice

If everything must go, then go

That’s how I choose to live

No more compromises

I see past your disguises

Blinding through mind control

Stealing my eternal soul

Appealing through material

To keep me as your slave

But I get out!

I’ll get out of all your boxes

I get out; oh you can’t hold me in these chains

I’ll get out; oh I want out of social bondage

Knowing my condition is the reason why I must change

See, what you see is what you get

Oh, and you ain’t seen nothing yet

I don’t care if you’re upset

I could care less if you’re upset

It don’t change the truth

And your hurt feeling is no excuse

To keep me in this box – psychological locks

Repressing true expression

Cementing this repression

Promoting mass deception

So that no one can be healed

I don’t respect your system

I won’t protect your system

When you talk I don’t listen

Oh let my father’s will be done

Oh just get out!

Oh, just get out of all this bondage

Just get out; oh you can’t hold me in these chains

Just get out; all these traditions killing freedom

Knowing my condition is the reason why I must change

I just accepted what you said

Keeping me among the dead

The only way to know

Is to walk then learn and grow

But faith is not your speed

Oh, you’d had everyone believe

That you’re the sole authority

Just follow the majority

Afraid to face reality

The system is a joke

Oh, you’d be smart to save your soul

And escape this mind control

You spend your life in sacrifice

To a system for the dead

Oh, are you sure there’s a passion for this living?

Are you sure it’s God you’re serving?

Obligated to a system

Getting less than you’re deserving

Who made up these schools I say?

Who made up these rules I say?

Animal conditioning

Oh, just to keep us as a slave

Oh just get out

Of this social purgatory

Just get out; all these traditions are a lie

Just get out; superstition killing freedom

Knowing my condition is the reason I must die

Just get out

Just get out

Just get out

Just get out


Monday 16 August 2010

they never come...


I often always wonna write – oh yes!
But I have noticed something over years
Especially when I’m set with pen and paper here
The words never drop into my deep listening - my inner ears

Clouds of inspiration want to RAIN and I expect gushes
I anticipate rushes but get trickles.
And when I expect floods of words
I get drizzles for shower – lost to lust!

Writing about how Oceans are offsprings of little drops
Sons of mighty rivers;
And Jungles are children of tiny seeds -
Siblings to great forests
Just as Forefathers of ancient times are split seconds
We need to give heed to little beginnings
Pay attention to little things…

Thinking about how poetry is art
A poem is from the heart
Finest proses source from a deep hurt
As a poet, though I rise to heavens, I’m down to earth…

Dreaming I live where paradise birds sing on exotic trees
Bumble and honey bees flirt on fragrance flowers
Iced milkshake for oceans and assorted fruit juice for seas
Farm animals are already barbequed with hot sauce - yet roaming
Choice aphrodisiac nuts of all sorts as pebbles
Where clouds are colourful cotton candies
I find Alcohol when I dig a little in this pastry-like earth
Wine drops from the skies when it rains
Lakes are different soups with grilled fish so well spiced – yet swimming…
And pearls and gems and diamonds are stones
Where the only form of transport is our thoughts
Sun, moon, stars and seasons are at our 'anytime'...

If you read all that, by now you are asking, ‘So, what’s my aim?’
It’s so clear I have not said a thing!
I have struggled, stayed, starred and oh what a shame
And if you are wondering if all this is just a game
Sorry my dear, it’s simply this: the words never came!

by Paul Martins





are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

are where?

Friday 13 August 2010


A man has fallen again!
Man has slain his kin and has broken the jade of silence with his cries of pain he screams from within.
See the plane, stained by the blood from that broken vein. 'Sin, sin!' Earth complains, saying 'Again, man has gone insane. He has brought back the banes of Cane.'

Peace breaks with the loud crowd of a woman's laments as she cries. You don't know what a tear drop contains; its content when it rolls down a mother's eyes. Fears of a wife when she lowly sighs. She asks the constellations as she stares blankly into starless skies, 'Would my man come back home to me this night?' She consults her oracles to inquire about the soul that flies from a man who dies be not the one who bade her farewell this morning with cheerful byes.

Man has peeled the heart off a brother and spilled the life of another. Was it not man who said strength dwells and peace remains when we loved and lived together? Now he kills the very one he looks after.
Until he fills the love we don't have for another with the one we feel when with our fathers; until blood don't longer splatter nor body parts litter, the land will not  heal.

The skies shall break but her waters shall wake scorpions, spiders, aligators and snakes. Don't you know the human race is at stake when often on another life you wickedly take? Your conscience no longer shakes. You fake the smile on your face and tie the lace of a brother's boots but wait till he takes few paces before you stab and then rake him.
Again, the skies will break but her waters shall poison oceans, seas and lakes. The earth shall heal a little but thereafter, quakes.

Man is emblem of his problem. He has competed with himself, defeated and has maimed himself. Man claims to be good and his works for the good of many men. Man has become predators, man has become prey and together, they play life an awful game. If only we can put all these behind us and unite to truely become one -

but even as I speak, some innocent men have fallen again. Shame!

by Paul Martins











vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

vs Man

Sunday 8 August 2010

Luv burds!!

When death strips you off help and a loved one.

Here, his mate is injured and the condition is appalling!

Here, he brings her food and attends to her with love and compassion...

Brings her food but shocked with her death, he tries to move her...

Stands beside her and screams; saddened of her death...

Finally, aware that she would not return to him and she has departed; stands beside her body; sad and sorrowful...

Photos of two birds are said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine Where the bird is trying to save his mate. Millions of people cry after watching this picture in America and Europe. It is said that the photographer sold these picture for a nominal price to the most famous news paper in France. And all the copies of that news paper were sold out on the day of publishing these pictures.
death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips

death grips