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For worshippers of Kings and admirers of his wisdom - For lovers of queens and upholders of her kingdom - For lovers of keepers of time and wasters of none of it - For the princesses who seek a knight who seeks other knights to vanquish and keep her warm all night - Hope this blog nourishes your sight; hope it brings your heart such unequivocal delights.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Who is sovereign?

Who is really superior? Who will be on top? Who will stand whilst he watches the others fall on their knees and bow down? Who will lead and who will have to follow? These and more are the questions I have often asked myself several times. Although I have got answers but I realise admitting them has been something I still find very disturbing.

First of all, let us look at the humans as we take two out of the several races and build a case study by them. Here, we have the negroid and caucasoid races; two of which were originally living solitarily and had no foreknowledge of the other.

The sea was a vast barrier seperating these two races leaving them with little or no spark to wander anywhere. Not until curiosity and bravery found a fertile ground in the heart of the white race first; consequently, an unquenching thirst to know the unfamiliar began driving them to creating and inventing things. In turn, after lots of efforts (resulting to errors and successes), their knowledge increased and thus they became powerful - intelligent enough to cross the capacious seas to the other side where they met the black race.

At the sighting of the white man, the black man marvelled and was later taken for slavery by these 'visitors'. Their 'straw darts' couldn't match the skills of speeding bullets as their voodoo chants fell on the deaf ears of chemical formulas and mathematical equations.

In reference to the above summary, who among the aliens or humans has successfully been able to cross the vast sea-like barrier of space in between them to reach the other first? Who has sighted the other's first visits? Who has been more curious and who began to invent first? Who has become 'Powerful'?

Lastly, curiosity and bravery always defeat the mystery of the unknown by knowledge which then ultimately breeds 'Power'; and if your answer has been the aliens, then your fear of who is superior and what is 'impending' in the future is as good as mine.

short essay wrtitten by Paul Martins 

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