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For worshippers of Kings and admirers of his wisdom - For lovers of queens and upholders of her kingdom - For lovers of keepers of time and wasters of none of it - For the princesses who seek a knight who seeks other knights to vanquish and keep her warm all night - Hope this blog nourishes your sight; hope it brings your heart such unequivocal delights.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Start what?

If I start it lovers will come.

They'll come in their hundreds;
Each with most loved of their lovers, they'll come.
The venus sounds of mute words laid in bold brilliant yet subtle colors will speak to them;
Each one thinking of the next one they'll come with, they'll come.

'We'll come' said one, 'Paul please start it, others will surely come.'

'We'll come in our thousands;
Each with hopes of ...leaving with an extra lover, we'll come.
Let it be summer - One of those nights when the moon is consumed in black jealous clouds and
Bonfire flames burn higher as we feed fire all our skimpy dresses
Each of us gleeming at the reflection of bare nature - bright silhouette, we'll come'.

'Tobi, start it people will come; people must certainly come!'

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